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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Vegi Stew

So, based on the fact that they only vegis I had in the fridge today were a bag of potatoes and a bag of parsnips along with a few stragglers of different varieties (half bag of braising greens, one carrot, a big long broccoli stem..), I decided to make some vegi stew. I decided I'd try the recipe I used before for an italian moose roast in the slow cooker, only without the moose roast. So, I chopped up four or five potatoes, one large onion, four parsnips, and a whole head of garlic (just took the skin off and seperated the cloves). Added one handful of pepperoncinis, a generous sprinkle each of oregano and basil, a can of diced tomatoes and two cups of vegi broth and set to cook for 6 hours in crock pot. When I used this recipe to make the moose roast, I (according to recipe) made some slices in the meat and stuck ten cloves of garlic in the roast itself. So, maybe if you make it with meat, do it that way. When the six hours were up, I added a generous handful each of frozen green beans and frozen peas and just let those defrost in the warm slow cooker while I made some biscuits. Just regular old butter and flour biscuits. Not the healthiest thing, but whatever, I am out of flax, ect and biscuits go so well with a super healthy vegi stew. And both were delicious!
Rian and Lyla liked the stew. Gavin didn't even try it, he had two biscuits and leftover rice. But, overall it was a pretty cheap, easy and crowd-pleasing dinner. And another thing I like about this one is that there is plenty left over for Rian and I to eat for lunch tomorrow. I like to try to follow that cook once, eat twice rule.
If I had cremini mushrooms, they would have been so good in this recipe, also, definitely carrots next time. Oh. also, with about an hour left of cooking time, I added a big dish of leftover mixed beans that I had cooked yesterday (these were small red and giant lima, but any kind of bean would work, I think).

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